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comp., MS 限制級 (A game rating symbol developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
 English thesaurus
AO abbr.
abbr. Aubrey Organics; Authenticator Organization; Automatic Metal Products; Autonomous Object; Auxiliary Office; Aviation Officer; tanker (Vosoni); atomic orbitals; The Amount Of; A-operator (Vosoni); Academic Office; Access Orlando; Accompaniment Only; Account Of; Accountant Officer; Adaptive Optics; Adjustable Objective; Adults Only; air over; Alpha Oscillator; Always Open; American Overseas; Analog Out; Angelic Oceans; Arctic Oscillation; agent-oriented
abbr., adv. attitude object
abbr., agric. ammonium oxalate
abbr., astr. adaptive optics (MichaelBurov); astronomical adaptive optics (MichaelBurov)
abbr., astronaut. announcement of flight opportunity; announcement of opportunity (NASA; etc.); atomic oxygen (Yakov)
abbr., auto. air operated
abbr., avia. aviation occurrence; airworthiness office; available option; administration office; aerodrome officer; air operations; ASCB operation; authorization order; aviation ordnance
abbr., bus.styl. All Ordinaries Index
abbr., busin. assures obligatories
abbr., commer. appellation of origin
abbr., comp., net. analog output
abbr., earth.sc. aesthetic objective; aircraft observe; alkali-olivine basalt; altered alkali-olivine; annual oscillation; applied optics; Arecibo Occultation Catalogue; argon-oxygen; atomic orbital; lateral curve spacing
abbr., el. ALU operation; anodic oxidation; answer only; asymptotically optimum; automatic observer
abbr., inet. All The Other; Anarchy Online
abbr., interntl.trade. autres objects
abbr., IT automated office; automated operator
abbr., karate. alphanumeric output
abbr., lab.eq. acridine orange
abbr., meteorol. American Optical (Company); anodal opening; anterior oblique; aortic opening; Association on Osteosynthesis; atrioventricular valves opening; axio-occlusial; Academy Of Osseointegration; Acid Output; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fuer Osteosynthesefragen; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Osteosynthesefragen; Association Of Orthodontists. Singapore; Atelosteogenesis; Arctic oscillation (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mil. administration officer; aviation ordnance person; assigned area of operations; Acousto-Optic
abbr., O&G, sakh. Analogue output
abbr., oil abandoned oil; alpha olefin; abstract only; access-opening; air-operated; audio oscillator; azimuth orientation; accounting organization (serz); lateral spacing
abbr., physiol. Angle Of ....
abbr., physiol., med. Angle of; Aorta
abbr., polit. Angola
abbr., polym. antioxidant
abbr., post Administrative Official; Associate Post Office; Autres Objets, All Other (international mail category - see IMM)
abbr., scottish Acoustic / Optical; Agent Orange; Area of Operation; Artillery Observation; Askolochnayo aviabomba (Fragmentation bomb (Russia)); Attack Operations; Oiler (USA)
abbr., shipb. altitude observed
abbr., tax. assessing officer (Tiny Tony)
energ.ind. automatic closure interlock
mil. assembly outline; authorized order; access opening; accounts office; accounts officer; action officer; administrative and overhead; administrative office; administrative officer; administrative operations; administrative order; aerial observer; aeronautical order; air observer; air officer; air ordnance; airdrome officer; appointing order; area office; Army order; Army ordnance; artillery officer; assembly order
mil., abbr. area of operations; Oiler
tech. astronomical observatory; astrophysics observatory; auxiliary operator; auxiliary oscillator; axial offset; abnormal occurrence; acoustooptic; address overflow; air operator; among others; amplifier output
ao abbr.
abbr. and others
abbr., chem. anti-oxidant
polym. atom per cent
Ao abbr.
abbr., el. operation availability
mil. Operational Availability
Ao. abbr.
abbr., med. aorta
AOLO abbr.
meteorol. locator, outer, instrument landing system

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